Category: motivational

2020: What Not to Do List

Every New Year’s Eve, people make a proclamation (resolution) about what they’re going to do in the New Year. Yet, no one ever talks about what they’re not going to do. I thought about this for a while and I have developed a list of things you should not do in 2020: You’re not going

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My Training Journey

This particular blog is a huge step for me, on my physical fitness journey. I’ve always been a highly motivated and energetic person, despite being extremely shy and embarrassed about my body. I wouldn’t even go to a pool, despite being a good swimmer, until I was in my mid-thirties. Growing up and being called

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Master Yourself

When your mind thinks about the past, it will always associate those memories with the emotion(s) associated with the event. So what happens is, you condition yourself to think about memories that do not serve you because they are negative. Negative thoughts (memories) create a negative environment. Your mind will focus on what’s familiar to

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You are not a Robot | Train Yourself to Think Outside of the Box

Have you ever stopped and wondered, “Why do some people go through their entire life working aimlessly like robots?” Is this their personal choice or are they conditioned to be this way? Well, you could make a pretty good argument that both of these reasons are a contributing factor. Obviously, no one wants to be

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Plan | Prepare | Execute | Repeat

Here a quick tip (video) on how to win in the gym and every aspect of your life. Plan: Identify your goals and a desired outcome. Prepare: Gather what you’ll need in order to help facilitate your goals or objectives. Execute: Do what you said you were going to do during the planning and preparation

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Luck is Not Real

How many times have you heard someone say, “Man, that team got lucky?” I’m willing to bet, you hear it at least once a weekend. For some reason, people associate things they were not expecting with good or bad luck. What people don’t realize–luck, just like fear, is not a real. It does not have

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Recognize What You Love | An Attitude For Gratitude

The world would be a better place if we focused on things that we love, instead of what hate or dislike. That is why I highly recommend you develop an attitude for gratitude. Here are just a few things to consider: I love people regardless of their gender. I love people regardless of their age.

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Don’t Apologize for Your Originality

Regardless if people disagree with your lifestyle, your hobbies, your likes, your dislikes, your character, and even if your personality — don’t you dare apologize for your originality. It doesn’t matter if you’re: a man, a woman, weird, popular, religious, an atheist, white, black, straight, LGBTQ, a hard worker, a lazy individual, short, or tall

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The Real Version of You Doesn’t Require a Filter

With the popularity of social media platforms such as: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn–we are now seeing an epidemic of people using filters to hide their identity. Although fake profiles/accounts are a real issue, that is not the purpose of this blog. This blog is about the real version of you. For some reason, both

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You Can Handle It | You Have Value

Life will throw every type of obstacle at you regardless if you’re mentally or physically prepared for it. However, you must understand and believe you are equipped to handle it. Most people quit, fail, and hide because they allow their mind to convince them, You can’t do this. What you don’t realize: that is your

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